Travelling with a trailer in Poland - the viaTOLL system
Which roads are be included in the viaTOLL system?
The viaTOLL system applies to selected sections of motorways, expressways and selected national roads managed by the GDDKiA. An up-to-date list of road sections covered by viaTOLL system and the rates of electronic toll payment are detailed in the Regulation of Council of Ministers on the list of national roads or their sections on which the toll shall be collected electronically.and the rates of electronic toll payment of 22 March 2011 and it is available on the website.
Zobacz też: System viaTOLL po 10 miesiącach działania
Who is obliged to use the viaTOLL system?
The viaTOLL system is obligatory for all motor vehicles and combination of vehicles (e.g. passenger cars with trailers) with a maximum permissible weight of over 3.5 tonnes and for buses regardless of their maximum permissible weight.
At present, electronic toll collection applies in Poland on toll motorways, expressways and selected national roads. It is planned that by the year 2019 the network of toll roads will reach the total length of six thousand kilometers.
What about drivers of passenger cars?
The electronic toll collection is obligatory for motor vehicles and combinations of vehicles with a maximum permissible weight of over 3.5 tonnes. Among these vehicles are passenger cars with trailers if a maximum permissible weight of such a combination of vehicles exceeds 3.5 tonnes.
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viaTOLL and viaBOX – what is the difference?
viaTOLL is a term referring to electronic toll collection system, which is based on a short-range, wireless communication technology.
viaBOX is an on-board unit for toll-liable motor vehicles and combinations of vehicles with the maximum permissible weight of over 3.5 tonnes. The device transmits encoded information about the vehicle to receptors installed on gantries when the vehicle to which the viaBOX is attached passes beneath them. Each time the vehicle equipped with a viaBOX device passes beneath the gantry the driver is charged for travelling on a particular section of toll road. The driver is also notified about it by a single beep of the viaBOX device. The toll collection is entirely automatic, and there is no need to slow down or stop.
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The viaBOX is available at any Distribution Point and Contact Point. The full list of all Distribution Points and Contact Points is available on the website. To receive a viaBOX device, users have to pay a deposit of 120 PLN, which is returned after the safe return of the working viaBOX. Users can return their viaBOX at any Distribution Point or Contact Point.
The viaBOX shall be mounted on the inside surface of the windscreen – it cannot be obscured by any objects, e.g. inactive wipers. It should be remembered that each viaBOX device is assigned to one car only and is not transferable to any other vehicle. Any loss or theft of the viaBOX shall be reported at the nearest Distribution Point or the Contact Point or by telephone to the Client Centre.
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